Wisconsin Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Healthcare Providers

Wisconsin Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Healthcare Providers

The following Wisconsin Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Healthcare Providers training educates healthcare providers on how to recognize, respond to, and remove sexual harassment from the workplace. In addition, sexual harassment happens when a person is subjected to unwanted sexual approaches, requests for sexual favors, or other sexually motivated verbal or physical action to […]

Understanding Medicare Training

The following Understanding Medicare Training educates healthcare providers and patients on the purpose of the Medicare program in the United States. Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people aged 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and also people with End-Stage Renal disease. Additionally, there are three different types of Medicare that […]

Understanding Medication Safety Training

The following Understanding Medication Safety Training educates healthcare providers on common medication safety issues. Ensuring patient safety during health services delivery is fundamental for an efficient healthcare system. Additionally, a strong organizational culture of patient safety and quality enables service providers to prepare for a variety of reasons. These include health emergencies and promoting healthier […]

Core Elements for Antibiotic Stewardship Training

The following Core Elements of Antibiotic Stewardship Training educates healthcare providers on the importance of antibiotic stewardship in healthcare. Additionally, antibiotic stewardship is the effort to measure and improve how clinicians prescribe antibiotics to patients who use them. Furthermore, improving antibiotic prescribing and use is critical to effectively treat infections, protect patients from harm caused […]

Survey Readiness Training for Healthcare Providers

The following Survey Readiness Training for Healthcare Providers is designed to educate healthcare providers on the purpose and importance of survey readiness in healthcare. Surveys may play a large role in your healthcare facility. Also, it is important to understand the purpose and the regulations associated with them. Because of this, AMC can help your […]

Navigating Advance Directives Training for Healthcare Providers

The following Navigating Advance Directives Training for Healthcare Providers is designed to educate healthcare providers on the legal significance of advance directives. During an emergency or at the end of life, you may face questions about your medical treatment and not be able to answer them. You also may assume your loved ones know what […]