Ethical Practices in Assisted Living Training

The Ethical Practices in Assisted Living Training aims to educate healthcare providers (HCP) on the definition of ethics in the context of assisted living. Additionally, education and training on the subject of ethics within assisted living facilities is crucial to the proper care of patients. This course offers valuable insight and practical strategies aimed towards achieving […]

Pressure Injury Prevention for Assisted Living Facilities Training

The Pressure Injury Prevention for Assisted Living Facilities Training aims to educate healthcare providers (HCP) on what pressure injuries are. Understanding the importance of pressure injuries and strategies aimed towards preventing them is crucial within assisted living facilities in order to provide the most appropriate care. This course offers valuable insight and actionable plans aimed towards […]

Medicare FWA Compliance Training

The Medicare FWA Compliance Training aims to educate healthcare providers (HCP) on the definitions of fraud, waste, and abuse in the context of Medicare. Additionally, education regarding Medicare FWA is crucial to providing proper care and the prevention of FWA. This course offers valuable insight and practical strategies aimed towards achieving the highest level of […]

Behavioral Education Training for Healthcare Providers

The Behavioral Education Training for Healthcare Providers (HCP) aims to fully educate healthcare providers on professional behavior in healthcare settings. Furthermore, training on proper and appropriate behavior within healthcare settings is necessary for a safe and positive work environment. This course offers valuable insight and practical strategies aimed towards achieving the best and safest workplace setting […]

Maryland Infection Control Training for Dental Healthcare Professionals


The Maryland Infection Control Training for Dental Healthcare Providers aims to fully educate dental healthcare providers (DHCP) on how to protect themselves and others and mitigate community transmission of infectious diseases. Furthermore, understanding state regulations and proper procedures can prevent the transmission of infections among patients and DHCP. This course is aimed towards achieving the […]

Essentials of Organ Donation Compliance Training

The following Essentials of Organ Donation Compliance Training is designed to educate healthcare professionals (HCP) on the fundamental principles of organ donation. Furthermore, education regarding organ donation is essential to saving lives. The proper training on the subject of organ donation is crucial for appropriate care within healthcare facilities. This course offers valuable insight and practical […]

Deep Sedation Compliance Training

The following Deep Sedation Compliance Training is designed to educate healthcare providers (HCP) on the principles of deep sedation in medical procedures; furthermore, education and training on sedation prepares medical providers to properly care for patients while also guaranteeing their health and safety. This course offers valuable insight and aims to achieve optimal education regarding […]

Understanding and Managing Depression in Older Adults at Assisted Living Facilities Training

The Understanding and Managing Depression in Older Adults at Assisted Living Facilities Training aims to educate healthcare providers (HCP) on the specific manifestations of depression in older adults. Furthermore, understanding the generalities of depression in elderly patients within assisted living facilities is crucial to provide a healthy state of well-being. This course is aimed towards achieving […]

Skin Health Management in Assisted Living Training

The following Skin Health Management in Assisted Living Training is designed to educate healthcare professionals (HCP) on how to properly manage skin health within assisted living centers. Additionally, the management of skin health is crucial to the proper care of those living within assisted living centers. This course offers valuable insight and practical strategies aimed towards […]

Effective Communication with the Hearing-Impaired Training

New Hampshire

The following Effective Communication with the Hearing-Impaired Training is designed to educate healthcare providers (HCP) on the basis of hearing-impairment and how to effectively communicate with patients who are affected by hearing loss. Furthermore, it is crucial for healthcare providers to understand how to communication and care for the impaired. This course, designed for caregivers, healthcare […]

After the Fall Response Training

The following After the Fall Response training will educate healthcare providers (HCP) on the common causes of falls in older adults. Tumbles are a significant concern, especially for the elderly and those with mobility challenges. Quick and effective response after a trip can drastically improve outcomes and prevent further complications. This course is designed to […]

Understanding HIV/AIDS in the Elderly Training

The following Understanding HIV/AIDS in the Elderly Training will educate healthcare providers (HCP) on the basics of HIV and AIDS. As the prevalence of HIV?AIDS continues to impact diverse age groups, it is crucial for healthcare professionals to be well-informed about the unique challenges and considerations associated with the elderly population. This course, designed for […]