Massachusetts Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers
The following Massachusetts Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers training is designed to educate dental healthcare providers (DHCP) on how to recognize, respond to, and remove sexual harassment from the workplace. Massachusetts Law prohibits sex discrimination in the workplace. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. Sexual harassment is a serious […]
Pennsylvania Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers
The Pennsylvania Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers course educates dental healthcare providers (DHCP) on how to secure themselves from unwanted harassed behaviors. Sexual harassment occurs when a person is subject to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature to such an […]
New York Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers
The New York Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers course educates dental healthcare providers (DHCP) on how to protect themselves from being harassed and remove sexual harassment from the workplace. Sexual harassment occurs when a person is subject to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct […]
North Carolina Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers
The North Carolina Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers (DHCP) course educates dental healthcare providers on how to protect themselves from being harassed and remove sexual harassment from the workplace. Sexual harassment occurs when a person is subject to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct […]
Illinois Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers
The Illinois Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers training educates dental healthcare providers (DHCP) on how to recognize, respond to, and remove sexual harassment from the workplace. The Illinois Human Rights Act makes it a civil rights violation “for any employer, employee, agent of an employer, employment agency or labor organization to […]
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Healthcare Providers
The Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Healthcare Providers training educates healthcare providers (HCP) on how to recognize, respond to, and remove sexual harassment from the workplace. Sexual harassment occurs when a person is subject to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature to such […]
Injury and Illness Prevention Program for High Hazard Employers in Dentistry
Every California employer must establish, implement and maintain a written Injury and Illness Prevention (IIP) Program. A copy must be maintained at each workplace or a central worksite if the employer has non-fixed worksites. The following Injury and Illness Prevention Program for High Hazard Employers in Dentistry course is designed to educate dental healthcare providers […]
Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) for High Hazard Employers in Healthcare
The Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIP Program) administrator, has the authority and responsibility for implementing the provisions of this program. Additionally, managers and supervisors are required to receive training and education on both general and job-specific safety and health procedures. Furthermore, they must give explicit instructions to all employees regarding hazards relevant to their […]
OSHA Electrical Safety Training & Lockout/Tagout
The OSHA Electrical Safety & Lockout/Tagout course is meant to teach workers how to protect themselves. Furthermore, this course teaches that when servicing or maintaining machines or equipment that could cause serious injury or death if hazardous energy is not properly controlled. Whereas, injuries caused by a failure to control hazardous energy during maintenance activities […]
3M N95 Fit Test Training for Healthcare Providers
Employers make a sufficient number of models and sizes of respirators available so that employees can provide a comfortable respirator. Furthermore, fit testing is one of the most important parts of the respirator program. One must be fit tested before using a respirator in the workplace. Likewise, a knowledgeable individual performs Fit testing an individual […]
California Dental Practice Act
The California Dental Practice Act permits the full utilization of dental assistants to meet the dental care needs of all the state’s citizens. The employer of a dental assistant shall be responsible for ensuring that the dental assistant who has been in continuous employment for 120 days or more has already successfully completed Dentistry is […]
COVID-19 OSHA Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) Training
OSHA Healthcare ETS protects workers from COVID-19 in settings where they provide healthcare or healthcare support services. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) to safeguard workers who face the greatest COVID-19 threats – those working in healthcare settings where COVID-19 patients are suspected or confirmed. Additionally, OSHA’s COVID-19 […]