3M N95 Fit Test Training for Healthcare Providers


Employers make a sufficient number of models and sizes of respirators available so that employees can provide a comfortable respirator. Furthermore, fit testing is one of the most important parts of the respirator program. One must be fit tested before using a respirator in the workplace.

Likewise, a knowledgeable individual performs Fit testing an individual knowledgeable in respiratory protection. The qualified individual follows the protocol and trains the employee to properly put on and take off the respirator.

However, qualitative fit testing is normally used for half-mask respirators.

Moreover, those that just cover your mouth and nose. The following 3M N95 Fit Test Training for Healthcare Providers is designed to educate healthcare personnel to perform a proper fit test for N95 face mask respirators.

What You’ll Learn

  • Fit Testing
  • Fit testing requirements
  • Can Take Training for Fit testing and qualitative test
  • Recordkeeping procedure
  • What is qualitative fit testing?


Course length: 45 minutes; CEU: 0.75.

Languages: American English

Key features: Audio narration, learning activity, and post-assessment

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This course will educate healthcare employees on how to conduct a face mask respirator fit test. The skills learned in this course come from government sources.

ACCME Accreditation

American Medical Compliance is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education to physicians. Our Continuing Medical Education (CME) program is committed to enhancing the knowledge, skills, and professional performance of healthcare providers to improve patient care outcomes. Through high-quality educational activities, we aim to address the identified educational gaps and to support the continuous professional development of our medical community. American Medical Compliance designates this activity for a maximum of 0.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should only claim this credit for their complete participation in this activity. 

Benefits of Online Courses

There are many advantages to taking an online course. Online courses are flexible and convenient. You can work them around your busy schedule. You’re allowed to take this course on your own time and in the environment of your choice. It can improve skills of self-management and self-discipline. This course can be easily taken and easily administered.

N95 Fit Testing

Fit Testing is important to slow exposure to airborne viruses. It is equally as important that these respirators fit appropriately and that they are available in all sizes. There are two types of tests, a user seal test, and a fit test. The user seal test determines the respirator’s proper position and is a quick process. The fit test analyzes the seal between the respirator and one’s face. However, this test takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and will result in showing the exact measurements that provide the best seal.

Important Steps

The administration of any Fit Test must occur properly with care and with accuracy to ensure effective results. Prior notice, medical checks, and availability of various sizes are essential for the test’s accuracy. The test should occur in a private, clean, and accessible environment. Assembly of the supplies should happen before the individual’s arrival. There are many other things to consider when administering these tests. One of which being any equipment one may wear on their face while wearing the respiration device. The second is if one fails the test simply try a different size.

It is important to determine the correct size and measurements that fit properly and where and when the respirator is needed. Above all, if any changes in fit condition occur, conduct a retest.

Qualitative tests

This test looks at the quality of the fit and the protection. Qualitative tests are on a pass/fail basis and detect leakage in a respirator. This test only applies to half-mask respirators. However, this test does not give specifics to the amount of leakage and simply analyzes the presence of that leakage. There are details essential to the effectiveness of this test and the reliability of the results.

An individual conducts seven exercises during the test. These consist of normal facial activities that one would do on a daily basis. These exercises ensure that whether or not you are talking, reading, or shaking your head, the respirator will still retain its fit.

Record Maintenance

Records should be kept in a place where all can access them. Also, they must be accessible to the Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). These documents should include any changes in the test results. Additionally, it is available to store this data online in a way where it remains accessible to those in the program.

Employee medical evaluations should contain notes from questionnaires and exams. These medical evaluations are confidential. They should store this information for thirty years after the end of one’s employment. They also must preserve evidence of medical clearances as evidence.

Every year employers should administer the fit test. The record of the test results should remain on file until the next annual retest. It is important to ensure that the respirator is used in the correct size and model that passed the test. Also, there is specific information that should be kept on file.

Other Test Information

The tests require that a score of 100 be achieved in order to pass the test. 10 percent of people fail the test after one year of wearing the same model and size. This reinforces the importance of annual testing. Those that experience weight changes of 20lbs or more should be immediately retested. Additionally, the individual must be clean-shaven in order to guarantee the accuracy of the test.

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