How to Create an Effective Compliance Plan

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How to Create an Effective Compliance Plan: Element 1

Written by Cassie Klenke
(Referencing Measuring Compliance Program Effectiveness: A Resource Guide from HCCA-OIG)


Creating a compliance plan can be overwhelming! When thinking of all of the different moving parts of what it means to be compliant, anyone could get lost in just thinking about where to start! However, having a strong compliance plan is essential in having a safe work environment. Let American Medical Compliance help!

In addition, American Medical Compliance will be unpacking the seven elements from the Measuring Compliance Program Effectiveness Compliance Plan over the next several weeks. With this in mind, keep checking back for more blogs and updates!

All in all, this guide consists of seven fundamental program elements:

  1. Standards, Policies, and Procedures
  2. Compliance Program Administration
  3. Screening and Evaluation of Employee, Physicians, Vendors and other Agents
  4. Communication, Education, and Training on Compliance Issues
  5.  Monitoring, Auditing, and Internal Reporting Systems
  6. Discipline for Non-Compliance
  7. Investigations and Remedial Measures

Additionally, this guide provides simple recommendations. Please use it appropriately based on your organizations specific needs.

This week is focusing on Element 1: Standards, Policies, and Procedures

This step focuses on conducting reviews of all compliance plan elements. An important aspect is to ensure that policies and procedures are in place. In brief, these policies and procedures consist of but are not limited to:

  • coding policies
  • non-retribution and non-retaliation policy
  • internal and external audits
  • record retention
  • confidentiality and privacy policies
  • regulatory requirements & many more!

Moreover, American Medical Compliance has these policies built into online learning courses! To sum it all up, medical compliance doesn’t have to be a challenge when broken down into small steps.

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