Infection control plans & their importance

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Infection control plans are important, especially now. Having an effective plan in the event of an emergency is of paramount importance.

Officials detained a cruise ship after fear the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus had spread. Thus, the escalation of the disease has forced all businesses to enact efficient and effective infection control plans.

Health officials quarantined 6,000 people on the cruise ship as a result of the knowledge one passenger was potentially carrying the disease. The cruise ship had major ramifications after this incident. The passengers had to stay on board for another day. Also, they had to wait until officials diagnosed the woman with just the flu.

The World Health Organization has designated 2019-nCoV a global health crisis, making the cruise ship’s actions even more important. Implementing successful infection control plans are even more important in this day and age. Because of all the travel, both in the air and on the sea, diseases like coronavirus spread like never before.

Where American Medical Compliance (AMC) can help with infection control plans

Many airliners have cancelled flights into China at this point. There are cases confirmed in other countries, however, which makes full infection control compliance a priority. American Medical Compliance has all the resources needed for your practice to have proper infection control plans. We believe in making healthcare safer for everyone, so that you can be prepared in any situation.

Having a partner like AMC will give you peace of mind that your compliance and infection control plan are implemented and it is up to you to enforce them on an annual basis.  Through our large library of courses and state specific biomedical waste plans, AMC will make this daunting task easy to implement. We are here to assist in assuring you are following state specific biomedical waste laws governed by your local OSHA chapter.

Having the knowledge to prevent events like this is incredibly important. To learn more about the services we offer, click this link:

For more on what happened on the cruise ship, click here:

And finally, for more information about coronavirus and why  an infection control plan is so crucial, click here:

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