COVID-19 OSHA Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) Training


OSHA Healthcare ETS protects workers from COVID-19 in settings where they provide healthcare or healthcare support services. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an emergency temporary standard (ETS) to safeguard workers who face the greatest COVID-19 threats – those working in healthcare settings where COVID-19 patients are suspected or confirmed. 

Additionally, OSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) requires employers to notify OSHA of all work-related COVID-19 fatalities and in-patient hospitalizations. OSHA also expects healthcare businesses to record in-patient hospitalizations and fatalities caused by confirmed COVID-19 cases among employees working in areas where suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients are treated (when there is no evidence of outside exposure).

Moreover, the ETS includes employees in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, emergency responders, and home healthcare workers.

Furthermore, covered healthcare employers must establish and implement a COVID-19 plan to identify and control COVID-19 hazards in the workplace during the emergency standard period. In order to reduce COVID-19 transmission in the workplace, covered businesses should employ other criteria.

Therefore, the following COVID-19 OSHA Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) Training course is designed to educate healthcare providers (HCP) about OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that protects against occupational exposure to COVID–19 in settings. Additionally, those with COVID-19 are likely to be present.

What You’ll Learn

  • What Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard is?
  • Requirements of the Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard
  • About the Workplaces Covered by Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard?
  • Able to know about Reporting COVID-19 Fatalities and In-Patient Hospitalization


Course length: 45 minutes; CEU: 0.75.

Languages: American English

Key features: Audio narration, learning activity, and post-assessment

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COVID-19 OSHA Healthcare ETS

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