Guidelines for Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers


The Guidelines for Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers course educates dental healthcare providers (DHCP) on how to provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities who are employees or applicants for employment.

Reasonable accommodation removes workplace barriers for individuals with disabilities. A reasonable accommodation is available to qualified applicants and employees with disabilities.

The duty to provide reasonable accommodation is a fundamental statutory requirement because of the nature of discrimination faced by individuals with disabilities. Although many individuals with disabilities can apply for and perform jobs without any reasonable accommodations, there are workplace barriers that keep others from performing jobs that they could do with some form of accommodation.

What You’ll learn

  • Defining Reasonable Accommodation
  • About General Principles
  • Types of Reasonable Accommodations
  • Exceptions to Reasonable Accommodation


Course length: 45 minutes; CEU: 0.75.

Languages: American English

Key features: Audio narration, learning activity, and post-assessment

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Guidelines for Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers Training Course

The Guidelines for Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace for Dental Healthcare Providers training course informs employers about accommodating individuals with disabilities. Workplaces must provide reasonable accommodation to employees with disabilities under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The Americans with Disabilities Act is often abbreviated to the ADA. An accommodation in the workplace refers to any environmental change that allows people with disabilities to have work opportunities they otherwise would not have had. Learners in this course study legal requirements for employers under the ADA so workplaces can stay compliant with federal law.

Defining Reasonable Accommodations

Workplace accommodations are challenging to define. However, reasonable accommodations allow employees with disabilities to do their jobs. They are very important. This prevents discrimination against people with disabilities. 

Many barriers exist within the workplace that make it difficult for people with disabilities to do their jobs. Examples of barriers include physical obstacles and workplace rules. Reasonable accommodations tackle barriers to provide folks with disabilities equal employment opportunities. Employers depend on employees with disabilities to inform them they need accommodation.

Employers that do not provide reasonable accommodations violate the ADA unless providing the accommodation would cause undue hardship. Fines for violating federal laws can be very costly and harm businesses. Businesses can avoid hefty fines by complying with the law.

General Principles

Reasonable accommodations take many different forms in the workplace. Individuals with different disabilities need different accommodations. Workplaces must adjust their accommodations to the needs of their workers. Accommodations can include making existing facilities accessible, modifying equipment, and much more. Learners will study different accommodations provided by workplaces by taking this course.

Many often wonder what constitutes a “reasonable accommodation”. Employers struggle to understand this definition, but it is of the utmost legal importance. Learners study the meaning of a “reasonable accommodation” by taking this course, as well as examples of “reasonable accommodations”.

Types of Reasonable Accommodations

Reasonable accommodations come in many shapes and sizes. Reasonable accommodations include restructuring, offering leave, and reassignment, among others. Reassignment involves adjusting employee duties based on abilities. Leave may be made necessary by an employee’s disability. Note that there are many guidelines around providing leave as a reasonable accommodation. Take this course to learn more about how to offer leave in a reasonable and compliant manner. Reassignment involves giving an employee a different vacant position they are able to complete. 

Reasonable Accommodations and Job Applicants

Employees are not the only individuals entitled to reasonable accommodations. Employers must also provide reasonable accommodations to job applicants. The government has many regulations in place surrounding what employers can ask prospective employees regarding their disabilities and the accommodations they may need. Certain requirements must be met for employers to ask job applicants about necessary accommodations. Take this course to learn more about when this is acceptable. 

Exceptions to Reasonable Accommodation

The government instituted limits to what constitutes “reasonable accommodation”. Employers must understand what they are and are not required to do under the law. 

There is one limitation on employers providing reasonable accommodation. It is fairly broad in scope. Employers do not have to provide a reasonable accommodation if the change would cause “undue hardship” to the employer. 

Because this is so vague, it is important to understand what is and what is not “undue hardship”. Learners study the definition of this term in this course. 

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Guidelines for Reasonable Accommodations

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 outlines scenarios where discrimination is outlawed. It is banned in any employment practice. But, what counts as an “employment practice”? Employment practices take many forms, including pay, hiring, and training. Learners study all of the protected employment practices by taking this course. Learners also study how to identify what is and is not a reasonable accommodation. And, they learn what retaliation is, as well as why it is prohibited. 

Learners also study behaviors that are unlawful. For example, employers cannot ask applicants if they are disabled. Moreover, employers cannot require medical exams before extending job offers to potential employees.

Benefits of an Online Course

Online courses bring many advantages over in-person courses. Online courses are flexible and convenient. You can work them around your busy schedule. You’re allowed to take this course on your own time and in the environment of your choice. Taking a course in a comfortable environment leads to better retention of the content presented. Furthermore, it can improve skills of self-management and self-discipline. This course can be easily taken and easily administered, benefiting both employers and employees.

Guidelines for Reasonable Accommodations

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