Healthcare providers can strengthen their ability to manage workplace risks through the How to Handle Employee At-Risk Incidents in Healthcare Training course. This training teaches providers how to identify at-risk incidents, understand relevant healthcare laws, and follow proper reporting procedures. By mastering these skills, healthcare professionals can ensure compliance, protect patient and staff safety, and foster a culture of accountability.
What You Will Learn:
- Examples of at-risk incidents
- Healthcare laws related to reporting at-risk incidents
- How to properly report at-risk incidents
Course length: 25 minutes; CME: 0.25
Languages: American English
Key features: Audio narration, learning activity, and post-assessment.
American Medical Compliance is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education to physicians. Our Continuing Medical Education (CME) program is committed to enhancing the knowledge, skills, and professional performance of healthcare providers to improve patient care outcomes. Through high-quality educational activities, we aim to address the identified educational gaps and to support the continuous professional development of our medical community. American Medical Compliance designates this activity for a maximum of 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should only claim this credit for their complete participation in this activity.
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American Medical Compliance (AMC) is a leader in the industry for compliance, Billing, and HR solutions. To become certified, please visit us at: American Medical Compliance (AMC).
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Recognizing At-Risk Behaviors
Behaviors of concern can help workers recognize potential problems with fellow employees. If a coworker begins acting differently determining the frequency, duration, and intensity of the new, and possibly troubling, behavior can prove helpful.
Specific behaviors of concern that should increase vigilance for coworkers and supervisors include:
- Sadness
- Depression
- Threats
- Menacing or erratic behavior
- Aggressive outbursts
- References to weaponry
- Verbal abuse
- Inability to handle criticism
- Hypersensitivity to perceived slights, and
- Offensive commentary or jokes referring to violence.
Healthcare providers can improve workplace safety through this course. This training teaches providers to recognize concerning behaviors like aggression, verbal abuse, and threats. It also helps them assess frequency and intensity to determine risks. Early intervention keeps employees safe and supports a professional work environment.
Communication Skills
De-Escalation: The use of communication or other techniques during an encounter to stabilize, slow, or reduce the intensity of a potentially violent situation without using physical force, or with a reduction in force.
De-Escalation is a method to prevent potential violence. Individuals are encouraged to use purposeful actions, verbal communications, and body language to calm a potentially dangerous situation. Be aware of your non-verbal communications. Ensure your tone, facial expressions, body language, and gestures relay calm and empathy.
Healthcare providers can learn essential de-escalation techniques through this course. This training teaches providers how to use communication, body language, and purposeful actions to defuse potentially violent situations without physical force. By staying aware of tone, facial expressions, and gestures, providers can create a calm and controlled environment. Mastering these skills helps prevent workplace violence, protect staff and patients, and promote a culture of safety.
Mental Health Awareness
Mental health needs are extremely common. One in 5 American adults experience mental illness every year. According to the most recent federal data, more than 46 million people in America experienced a substance use disorder in the previous year.
Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated rates of anxiety, depression and substance use disorder, as well as workplace stress and burnout.
In ADP’s annual People at Work survey, almost half of workers said that their work is suffering because of poor mental health. Yet there can also be significant stigma around mental illness, including in the workplace, and insufficient access to timely treatment.
Healthcare providers can better support mental health in the workplace through this training. This training highlights the prevalence of mental health issues, substance use disorders, and workplace stress. Providers will learn how to recognize signs of distress, reduce stigma, and promote access to timely support. By addressing mental health proactively, healthcare teams can improve employee well-being, reduce burnout, and create a healthier work environment.
Crisis Management
Message Development: One of the goals of crisis communication planning is to make sure that messages are consistent. Each audience will seek information that is specific to them during and following an incident.
Messages can be pre-scripted as templates with blanks to be filled in when information is available and tailored to each incident. Pre-scripted messages can be developed, approved by the management team, and stored on a remotely accessible server for quick editing and release when needed.
Healthcare providers can strengthen their crisis communication skills through the training. This training teaches providers how to develop clear, consistent messages for different audiences during a crisis. Providers will learn to use pre-scripted templates, tailor messages to specific incidents, and ensure quick approval and release. By mastering these techniques, healthcare teams can improve response times, reduce confusion, and maintain trust during emergencies.
Creating a Supportive Environment
Leadership plays a critical role during challenging and uncertain times as employees look up to leaders for guidance and direction. A trustful relationship between a manager (leader) and employees is vital as it increases employee commitment and productivity. The behavior of leaders during turbulent and unpredictable times can gain or lose followers’ trust and support.
Leaders whose words and actions are not aligned will find it hard to be trusted by their team members. Trust as a key element in the entity’s success is established mainly through the leader’s strategies, plans, and actions. Authentic leaders can build follower trust via their supportive behavior and the transparent nature of their relationships.
Healthcare providers can strengthen their leadership skills through the course. This training teaches how to build trust, provide clear direction, and support employees during uncertain times. Providers will learn how authentic leadership fosters commitment, boosts productivity, and enhances workplace morale. By aligning words with actions and maintaining transparency, leaders can gain trust, strengthen teams, and navigate challenges effectively.