Indiana Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Dentistry Training


The following Indiana Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Dentistry Training is designed to educate dental healthcare providers (DHCP) in Indiana on the ADA Code of Ethics, which includes the Principles of Ethics, the Code of Professional Conduct, and Advisory Opinions, as well as Indiana guidelines regarding the licensure and practice of dentists and dental hygienists. These components illustrate how to maintain high ethical standards when practicing dentistry.

What you will learn

  • Principles, code of professional conduct, and advisory opinions
    • Patient Autonomy
    • Nonmalfience
    • Benefience
  • Indiana Statuses and Administrative Rules
    • Licensure of Dentists
    • Licensure of Dental Hygienists


Course length: 2 hours. Dental CEU: 2. Languages: American English Key features: Audio narration, learning activity, and post-assessment

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ADA Code in Dentistry

The dental profession holds a special position of trust within society. However, the people afford the profession certain privileges that are not available to everyone on a regular basis. As a result, dentists make a commitment to the people that they will follow high ethical standards of conduct. These are the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct (ADA Code). Additionally, the ADA Code has three main components:
  • The Principles of Ethics
  • The Code of Professional Conduct
  • The Advisory Opinions
These are all outlined in detail within the course, but are all valuable aspects of the ADA Code for dentistry.

Patient Autonomy

The patient’s rights to confidentiality and self-determination must be respected by the dentist. This principle articulates the idea that healthcare providers should respect patient confidentiality and serve patients in accordance with their preferences while staying within established therapeutic parameters. To learn more about the ethics and professional responsibility in line with laws in Indiana and the ADA code, click the button below.
Ethics and Professional Responsibility

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