Service Plans Training for Assisted Living Facilities


The Service Plans Training for Assisted Living Facilities training course teaches healthcare providers how to create effective service plans for personalized care. Providers learn to assess resident needs and develop comprehensive plans that improve care quality. This training equips them with essential skills to tailor services, enhance resident well-being, and ensure compliance with care standards.

What You Will Learn:

  • Essential components that make up an effective service plan
  • Skills to conduct comprehensive assessments of resident needs


Course length: 30 minutes; CME: 0.5

Languages: American English

Key features: Audio narration, learning activity, and post-assessment.

American Medical Compliance is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education to physicians. Our Continuing Medical Education (CME) program is committed to enhancing the knowledge, skills, and professional performance of healthcare providers to improve patient care outcomes. Through high-quality educational activities, we aim to address the identified educational gaps and to support the continuous professional development of our medical community. American Medical Compliance designates this activity for a maximum of 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Physicians should only claim this credit for their complete participation in this activity.

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Individualized Service Plans

A written service plan is required and must be completed within 14 calendar days after the resident’s date of acceptance and must be developed with assistance and review from:

  • The resident or resident’s representative.
  • The facility manager, and
  • Any individual requested by the resident or the resident’s representative.


The written service plan must include the following:

  • A description of the resident’s medical or health conditions, including physical, behavioral, cognitive, or functional conditions or impairments.  
  • The level of service the resident is expected to receive.
  • The amount, type, and frequency of services that will be provided to the resident, including medication administration or assistance in the self-administration of medication.


This course teaches healthcare providers how to develop required written service plans that ensure personalized resident care. Providers learn to complete service plans within 14 days of a resident’s acceptance, working with the resident, their representative, and facility staff. This training covers key components, including medical conditions, functional impairments, service levels, and medication assistance. By mastering these skills, healthcare providers can deliver comprehensive, individualized care while meeting regulatory requirements.

Development of the Individualized Service Plan

Individual Autonomy and Choice:

Residents drive their own schedules and make decisions based on their individual circumstances.

The residents often change or modify their daily activities. Residents and families are included in the development of the care plan and individualized service plans.

Plans are based on personal preference as well as assessed needs to promote the health and welfare of the individual.

Some of the barriers to meeting the federal rule are that compliance, planning, and implementation of plans depends on deep understanding of, and ongoing commitment to, the individual being supported.

The course teaches healthcare providers how to support resident autonomy and choice in care planning. Residents set their own schedules and adjust daily activities based on their needs and preferences. Providers learn to develop individualized service plans that incorporate resident and family input while promoting health and well-being. This training highlights the importance of compliance, thoughtful planning, and a deep commitment to each resident’s unique needs to ensure high-quality, person-centered care.

Evaluation Process

The Facility must have P&Ps that address general consent and informed consent.

A behavioral health professional must evaluate the resident within 30 calendar days before acceptance of the resident and at least once every six months thereafter.

The behavioral health professional must also review the scope of services.

The Service Plans Training for Assisted Living Facilities training course teaches healthcare providers how to implement policies on general and informed consent. Providers learn the importance of behavioral health evaluations, which must occur within 30 days before a resident’s acceptance and every six months after. This training also covers the role of behavioral health professionals in reviewing the scope of services to ensure residents receive appropriate care. By mastering these requirements, healthcare providers can enhance compliance and improve resident well-being.

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