Telehealth Training for Healthcare Providers


The Telehealth Training for Healthcare Providers course will educate healthcare providers on how to use electronic services such as telecommunications.

Telehealth, or telemedicine, is the use of technological communications to provide care to patients from different locations. Some technologies include videoconferences and online images. 

Telehealth may have different billing and payment processes than normal healthcare. However, it allows healthcare providers to continue providing care even in extreme circumstances. 

What You’ll Learn

  • Telehealth basics
  • Overview of Medicare beneficiary telehealth services
  • How to start using telehealth
  • Telehealth tips


Course length: 30 minutes; CEU: 0.5.

Languages: American English

Key features: Audio narration, learning activity, and post-assessment

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Using Telehealth

There are a variety of ways in which telehealth can be used. This training details situations that are appropriate for telehealth services. These include general wellness visits or chronic condition check-ins. 

However, telehealth is not appropriate for all situations. If a patient requires a medical procedure, they will not benefit from an online visit. Additionally, emergency symptoms such as abdominal pain or eye problems should be evaluated in person.

Types of Telehealth

There are several different forms of telehealth. One is a live video format that occurs in real time. This is where patients and providers can continue to have face-to-face interaction via technology. Also, patients can send doctors images or videos of a symptom or condition. Then, providers can evaluate the media digitally. E-visits are non-face-to-face encounters that happen through an online portal. Some patients prefer privacy and comfort and therefore enjoy e-visits. Lastly, doctors can remotely monitor patients through the collection of health data. 

Medicare Services

There are three main types of virtual services physicians and other health professionals can provide to Medicare beneficiaries. They are Medicare telehealth visits, virtual check-ins, and e-visits.

Medicare telehealth visits are telecommunications that Medicare patients may use for a variety of health services. These feature interactive audio and video communication between the patient and the provider. Physicians, nurse practitioners, and other providers can supply these services.

Virtual check-ins are brief communications with practitioners that can occur through a variety of technology modalities. These virtual services are often initiated by patients. 

E-visits are non-face-to-face contact that occurs through an online patient portal. These services are only available to established Medicare patients. Patients also begin the initial inquiry and will typically have access to these portals for a set period of time. Learn more about the specific Medicare billing codes for each of these services by taking this training. 

Telehealth Vendors

Offices must have adequate technology to participate in telehealth services. An example of a common technology that many practices have is a patient portal. 

There are many things to consider when implementing these services. For example, personal health information must always be protected. This course details important steps in setting up telehealth services. 

Implementing Telehealth

Workers must be fully aware of all telehealth protocols. There are many aspects to consider when implementing telehealth. Primarily, doctors must consider the balance between online and in-person appointments. Additionally, physicians must lay out the types of services that they will offer electronically. There must also be a way for patients to schedule online appointments as opposed to in-person visits. Lastly, patients must be able to electronically complete all necessary forms before each communication.

Some aspects of work practices may need to be adapted with the implementation of telehealth. In order to determine if there is a need for electronic communications, talk to your patients. These services must adequately support the medical needs of all patients within the community. For more important considerations, please refer to this training.

Conducting a Visit

Physicians should always be in a private area when conducting online visits. New patients may be especially nervous about having an online consultation. You may need to start the session with an overview of the patient’s health history if it is relevant. Make sure that the patient is confident in their treatment plan before ending the visit. 

Setting Up for a Visit

There are several things doctors can do prior to the appointment that is crucial for good service. For example, lighting should be placed so that the patient can clearly see the doctor’s face. There should not be any background noise.

Additionally, there are important tips for communicating effectively during a telehealth visit. The most important is maintaining an even, clear pace of speech.

Staff Considerations

All staff must be properly trained in providing telehealth services via the company platform. Be aware that there may be a learning curve when it comes to adapting to new technology. Therefore, it is encouraged to practice using the software prior to evaluating real patients. Once patients use the platform, feel free to ask them for feedback. All of these considerations focus on patience and diligence when it comes to implementing new technology. 

Patients with Disabilities

Access to telehealth technology must be inclusive to patients with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act to receive equal access to benefits and services. Therefore, when creating these technologies, effective tools for disabled patients must be considered. 

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