AMC and OpenSesame

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American Medical Compliance (AMC) and OpenSesame have teamed up to offer our comprehensive 2020 Healthcare compliance training platform. OSHA requires that all Medical, Hospital and Urgent care facilities train their staff on an annual basis. AMC has made this requirement simple and easy to satisfy with our AMC Healthcare bundle. The healthcare industry is among the fastest growing in the United States. In order to maintain compliance within your organization this could not be possible without the meticulous care that facility personnel maintain in their operations and handling of patients, equipment, and information. Healthcare compliance can be complicated, tedious, and time consuming. Our complete Healthcare compliance bundle will help you maintain a safe work environment and avoid potential fines and litigation.


AMC training courses are designed to assist Healthcare facilities satisfy State and Federal OSHA Government mandated annual training requirements.

  • Infection Control Training for Healthcare Providers
  • OSHA Training for Healthcare Providers
  • COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Providers
  • HIPAA Training for Healthcare Providers
  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Healthcare Providers
  • Healthcare Fraud, Waste and Abuse
  • Violence in the Workplace for Healthcare Workers
  1. Gain in-depth knowledge on important healthcare topics such as Exposure Control, Needle-stick Procedures, Bloodborne Pathogens, Hzard Communications, and Emergency Plans
  2. Determine your exposure risk and procedures to assist in limiting exposure
  3. Educate healthcare professionals on how to mitigate the transmission of diseases
  4. Sequence for putting on (Don) and taking off (Doff) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  5. Understand who the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is
  6. Understand the definition of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  7. Healthcare Providers can recognize, respond, and remove sexual harassment in the workplace
  8. Satisfy annual training for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) require annual training for Healthcare providers (HCP)
  9. HCP must be trained to identify the signs of FWA in order to prevent it from occurring in the workplace.

Who are we?

AMC is a leader in the healthcare industry for government mandated compliance. Our mission is to streamline healthcare compliance making it simple, effective, and affordable. Furthermore, we will assist you in improving safety practices, implement proper infection control procedures and assist in compliance with all state and federal OSHA and HIPAA laws and regulations. We also compliment an extensive suite of HR products, trainings, and much more to our complete learning management platform. We take pride in our commitment to protect the safety of healthcare workers and patients alike while providing effective training courses.

Start today!

To learn more please visit Opensesame for a complete list of training modules or click below;

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Healthcare Compliance Bundle

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