Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

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Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is effective in strengthening the workplace and providing equal opportunities for all employees. Diversity defines the workplace foundation and can include things ranging from class and gender to age and marital status. Whereas inclusion ensures equal opportunity and access to all resources. In order for diversity to be successful, inclusion is necessary. 

Importance of Diversity

Diversity allows employees to understand and appreciate everyone’s differences. Diversity is defined in three different ways: demographic, experiential, and cognitive diversity. Demographic diversity describes how one is at birth and is something that is kept throughout life. Experiential diversity is based on life experiences and affects things such as hobbies, abilities, and affinities. And lastly, cognitive diversity includes problem solving.

Diversity is imperative in the workplace because it allows different perspectives on the same topic. This is because everyone has experienced something different and can share their various skills. In addition, diversity allows for more creativity, diverse solutions, and ultimately better problem solving. 

Importance of Inclusion

In addition to diversity, inclusion is necessary. When inclusion efforts are successful, employees feel accepted and part of something bigger. This leads to increased positive performance, productive engagement, and increased collaboration. In order to implement inclusion, it is important to listen and communicate well with others. In addition, educating others on inclusion and improving self confidence is also helpful.

Implementing the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative

When implementing the diversity and inclusion initiative, it is necessary to meet enforcement requirements and to improve the workplace environment. This process includes four main phases. The first phase involves collecting and reviewing data to discover the areas needed for improvement. Then, creating strategies that align with the business objectives. This involves determining obstacles and setting diverse and inclusive goals that reflect the objectives of the business. The third phase includes creating an action plan and communicating the initiative with others. Lastly, once the initiative is implemented, evaluation is needed. 

EEOC Role in Diversity and Inclusion

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission plays a big role in diversity and inclusion. They aim to prevent unlawful employment discrimination and create a solution when issues occur. Their end goal is to improve equal opportunity for everyone. 

Get Certified

American Medical Compliance (AMC) is a leader in the industry for compliance, Billing and HR solutions. To receive training on how to foster a diverse and inclusive work environment, please visit us at: www.americanmedicalcompliance.com.

Reference: https://rise.articulate.com/author/VA7BqfSYJ3j8s-7pJgdSJhzdG4_kE3Te#/author/course

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