Emergency Action Plan Training for Healthcare Providers

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Drafting an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and having trained, responsible individuals is important in ensuring the safety of employees. Preparation for emergencies is necessary because they often occur with no warning. In addition, employees must always understand their individual role and responsibility.

Emergency Action Plans

Development of an emergency action plan can vary depending on the size of the site and potential hazards. Each plan must be site specific, but there are several common characteristics of an effective plan. These plans include the employees in the planning process, clarifiy each individual role, provide proper training, and keep the plan accessible to all employees. 

Creating an Emergency Action Plan

When creating an emergency action plan, select a responsible individual to be in charge of leading employees and coordinating the plan. In order to be successful, it is imperative that everyone knows the person of authority. And, that they recognize the person of authority has the responsibility and power to make critical decisions during emergencies. The roles of the authority range from coordinating with emergency services to overseeing emergency procedures.

After completing the plan, it can be helpful to have other companies review to ensure the greatest effectiveness. For example, fire departments or other responders can review the plan. 

Implementing a Plan

In order to implement a plan, a sufficient number of people must be trained to know how to respond and assist during emergency evacuations. All employees review the initial plan and continue to review it anytime there are changes made. In addition, drills are effective methods to ensure employees know how to respond correctly in various emergency situations. 

Overall, creating and implementing an emergency action plan is not difficult. It requires using information learned from workplace evaluation and including diverse groups of people. At a minimum, the plan must include methods for reporting fires and emergencies, evacuation for procedures and emergency escape route, accounting for employees, and the names of job titles of people to contact.

Get Certified

American Medical Compliance (AMC) is a leader in the industry for compliance, Billing and HR solutions. To receive training on developing an emergency action plan, please visit us at: www.americanmedicalcompliance.com.


“United States Department of Labor.” ETool : Evacuation Plans and Procedures – Develop & Implement an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) | Occupational Safety and Health Administration, https://www.osha.gov/etools/evacuation-plans-procedures/eap/develop-implement.

“United States Department of Labor.” ETool : Evacuation Plans and Procedures  – Minimum Requirements | Occupational Safety and Health Administration, https://www.osha.gov/etools/evacuation-plans-procedures/eap/minimum-requirements.

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