Informed Consent in Dental Practice

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In dentistry, informed consent is necessary. If a dentist does not receive informed consent from a patient, they are subject to legal issues. Due to the increasing use of technology, patients are able to better understand their healthcare services. Thus, allowing patients to be more involved in the decision making of their treatment and be more informed. 

Types of Informed Consent

When a dentist performs an invasive procedure, informed consent is necessary. There are three types of consent. The type used depends on the situation. Implied consent does not include discussion. In this type of consent, the patient fully understands the procedure, purpose, and potential risks involved with the procedure. After hearing the information, the patient simply cooperates with the process. 

Next, with verbal consent, the patient verbally gives their consent and signing is not necessary. Written consent is the last type of consent. Cases of high risk and invasive procedures generally need written consent. 

Informed Consent for Children

Patients under 18 years of age are considered children and are not able to give their own consent. In cases regarding children, the guardian has the power to consent to treatment. In order to give consent, the parents must be provided with all the information regarding the treatment. This allows them to determine which course of treatment is best for their child. 

Personalized Consent Forms

Consent forms are very important and each health professional is able to create their own personalized consent forms. This allows health professionals to implement forms that meet the specific needs of their own practice and patients. 

These forms must comply with the law and be written in a way so the patient clearly understands the written information. Consent forms are not only important for legal purposes, but they also ensure that patients are fully informed on their procedure and what they are giving consent to. 

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