New Treatment Cures HIV in New York Woman

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In March 2023, researchers from Rockefeller University made a significant breakthrough in the fight against HIV/AIDS. They cured a New York woman of HIV using a new treatment method. This method modified her immune cells to resist the virus through gene therapy. This development offers hope for millions of people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide. This is a major breakthrough in healthcare worldwide.

The Breakthrough in HIV Treatment

The treatment was conducted as part of a clinical trial. It involved removing immune cells from the patient’s blood, modifying them to resist HIV using the CRISPR gene-editing tool, and then infusing the modified cells back into the patient’s bloodstream. Over time, these cells replicated and replaced the patient’s existing immune cells. Within several months, the patient’s viral load became undetectable, and subsequent tests showed no signs of the virus in her body.

Future of HIV Treatment

Gene therapy has never been used successfully in humans until now. Though the treatment is still in its early stages of development, the researchers are hopeful that it could cure other viral diseases as well.

Current treatments for HIV/AIDS are effective at managing the virus, but they require lifelong medication, and many people still experience significant side effects. A cure would mean patients could live without the fear of the virus re-emerging. This would have a significant impact on global public health. The development of this new treatment is a testament to the power of innovation and collaboration in the scientific community.

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Forbes (16 March 2023). New York Woman Cured Of HIV With New Treatment. Retrieved from:

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