OSHA Regulations You May Have Forgotten About

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Three OSHA Regulations that are Commonly Forgotten About

OSHA rules and regulations are important when it comes to being compliant in your medical office with state mandated laws. Being complaint helps with the reduction of fines that will build up due to negligence.  There are a few OSHA workplace safety requirements that your company may have forgotten about.  Below is a list of some of the most common rules that practices may have missed.

[su_list]1.)  first, having a state-specific OSHA manual in the workplace is one of the most common rules that companies forget about. This can be a hard copy or in a PDF format, but it must meet all the OSHA manual requirements. This includes, but is not limited, to topics like Safety And Health Management Systems, Safety And Health Programs Evaluations, and Office Safety and Health.[/su_list]

[su_list]2.) Secondly, the law requires employees to take training courses that teach workplace safety. There are specific topics that need to be covered in order to meet the laws qualifications. This training is mandatory for employees and needs to be conducted annually. For new hires, the training must take place within 10 days of being hired within the company.[/su_list]

[su_list]3.) Lastly, The U.S. Department of Labor mandates that OSHA posters must be hung in the workplace for employees. Posters are available in different languages as well. Different posters have certain requirements for certain kinds of topics. Some examples include the “Employee Rights Under the Fair Labor Standards Act” as well as “Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law”. Check out the link below if your company wants a free download of the OSHA required posters for your workplace.[/su_list]

There are lots of rules and regulations companies need to meet in order to be compliant. Listed above are just some of the most common state mandate rules that all medical and dentist practices must follow. Following these rules will help eliminate fines that can accumulate over time. Make sure to keep up to date with our weekly blogs about health and safety.



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