Why Sunscreen is Important

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With the summer sun heating up, it is important to apply sunscreen daily. Applying sunscreen daily can help protect your skin from sun damage and lower your risk for melanoma. Ana Marie Liolios,  a dermatologist at Mosaic Life Care Plastic Surgery and Dermatology, said that no matter what skin tone, everyone should wear sunscreen daily to protect against skin cancer.

It is recommended to wear sunscreen with the SPF level of 30 to 50. After SPF 50 our skin starts to lose our protection and it levels of how much protection our skin is actually receiving. It is a good idea to get sunscreen with an SPF of 50 and reapply it about every two hours. This keeps your skin under constant protection.“The areas that get more sun are the areas that people don’t think about. Everybody wears a hat to protect their face, but we forget about our ears. Everybody wears long sleeves to protect the skin on their arms, but then we drive and we forget about our hands,” Liolios said.

“It’s not that any area is more at risk because of the certain area, but it’s just we don’t think to cover it as much as we think to cover other areas.”

It is best to avoid tanning whether it is outside or in a tanning bed, both are dangerous gateways to melanoma. A great alternative to tanning is using self-tanner. Self-tanner can give you a natural tan but it keeps your skin away from the sun. The best way to avoid sun damage is by applying sunscreen everyday in your daily routine. A lot of moisturizers and makeup have sunscreen in the ingredients so leaning towards these products with SPF. Buying products with SPF in them is a great alternative to those without.


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