Stay-at-Home Order Issued in Arizona

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Starting yesterday at 5:00 pm (MST), March 31, 2020; Arizona will become one of the many states to implement a “Stay-at-Home” order in response to COVID-19. The order restricts travel and business activities only to essential functions until Thursday, April 30.

Arizona, since its first encountered case of COVID-19 in January 2020, approached mitigation with relaxed measures amidst the uncertainty in the health and economic prosperity of state residents. The idea was people are capable to respect the situation and voluntarily quarantine. However, time progressed and revealed climbing cases in the state. Today, over a thousand people tested positive for COVID-19 in Arizona, and the calls for executive action were accumulating. Evidently, now was the time.

Interestingly though, through review of the state executive order, the ambiguity and indirect definitions of restricted and unrestricted activities signified the state remains in a hopeful position. Particularly, the order insinuates that Arizona remains dependent on citizens to follow precautions and keep those around them safe. Ignoring such guidelines could result in a Class 1 misdemeanor, among other penalties.

Balancing the scale of physical health and economic health is difficult considering the related sacrifices a person will experience, whichever path is taken. The inevitable conclusion of both, prior to the financial stimulation and support from companies and the government, would seem to be continual spread of COVID-19. Perhaps this is was why many states were reluctant to devote resources to mitigation efforts. Simply, they did not want an economic turmoil to further the spread of COVID-19. With the Stay-at-Home order, there is assurance of security in these strong health efforts.

Read the referenced source and specifics about the Stay-at-Home Order here:

BREAKING: Arizona Gov. Ducey issues stay-at-home order for state. (2020, March 30) Retrieved from

Where can American Medical Compliance help:

It is anticipated that within the coming months, every state will take similar, if not more drastic, approaches to flatten the curve of COVID-19. Accordingly, ensuring essential services meet health standards and infection containment guidelines, American Medical Compliance provides necessary services to its clients as they navigate an evolving environment.

AMC is offering our Infection Control COVID-19 Training course for Healthcare Providers for Free.

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