Sexual harassment may be an issue employees face in the workplace. It can inhibit the employees’ ability to perform well at work and can have an effect on the work environment. Overall, this type of harassment is never welcome and prevention is key.
What Is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of ways. In broad terms, it is unwelcome sexual conduct. This can take form in unwanted sexual advances and requests for sexual favors. Physical or verbal comments of a sexual nature are also seen as harassment. Offensive comments regarding a person’s sex also constitutes as sexual harassment.
Both men and women can be victims and instigators of this type of harassment. Harassers can be supervisors, employers, co-workers or clients. Regardless of who the offender is, any form of harassment is unwelcome in the workplace.
How It Can be Harmful
Sexual harassment can be very harmful to the victim. It has the potential to interfere with the victim’s performance in the workplace. In addition, harassment of this nature can be harmful to the overall environment of the workplace. It can lead to a hostile, uncomfortable and offensive work environment. Likewise, harassment may be damaging to the victim outside of the workplace.
Taking Necessary Action
It is important to take action against this type of harassment. Measures taken to prevent harassment as a whole are ideal. Preventative actions aim to stop harassment before it begins. Employers should take action as necessary. However, if harassment still occurs, it is important the victim speaks out. The victim should tell the harasser to stop if it is safe to do so. A system should be set in place by the employer in case harassment does occur.
If harassment does occur, employers should address it immediately. This will ensure conduct of this nature is put to a stop and a healthy work environment is conserved. An investigation will take place if necessary. This investigation will address the entire situation such as the context, nature and circumstances in which the harassment occurred. Overall, sexual harassment is an issue and taking action is necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees.
Get Certified
Many states require or recommend that employees and employers take sexual harassment training for work. American Medical Compliance (AMC) is a leader in the industry for compliance, Billing and HR solutions. To become certified, please visit us at:
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (2002, June 27). Facts About Sexual Harassment. Retrieved from